
"The girl"

Now, I can see her
She sits lonely in the center of the stage

The colorful neon lamp shines around the stage

Gradually, a crowd approaches her

The strong stage lighting lands on them

In the center, there is a faint light on the girl

The faint light is the reflection from people’s jewels

It is harsh to the eye.  “Twinkle twinkle little star”

I can’t see the expression in her eyes

Only the corners of her mouth, slightly strange and secretive rise


I want to ask her

Why don’t you join them?

The girl looks at me with a pale face, smiles and shakes her head

She seems to want to say something, but she turns back


Then, I follow

I see the girl’s leg has moved a little

A single motion with unsure


Oh, someone touched the girl

Said something and walked away.

Never turned back

Thoroughly ignored her


I see the girl touching her hair

I can’t see her expression

I just looked at her


I ask myself

Is it another me?


    夏本露露 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()